Lifelong learning (LLL) recognises that learning is required throughout our lives. When you leave school and commence work, learning continues either formally or informally. LLL is intentional, has a specific goal, has a purpose, and the reason for learning is that it is to be retained and recalled at some future point in time. LLL is deliberate learning that can be a mix of formal education, informal education and non-formal learning.
Lifelong education
Lifelong education seeks to establish a set of organisational, administrative, methodological and procedural measures that seek to promote LLL. The goal for educational practice is learning carried on throughout life. Lifelong education is the system, lifelong learning is the content, the goal and the result.

Lifelong learning principles
A direct effect shown from an increase in the use of lifelong learning principles, is an increase in the provision of a more just and equitable society.

LLL strategies
No two LLL strategies will have the same focus, as the factors of the situation (political, education traditions, or degree of industrial development) will dictate the most appropriate strategy. LLL does not replace existing education structures; rather it seeks to identify any shortcomings or find ways to make improvements.
Exponents of LLL are constantly seeking alternative teaching and learning strategies that can equip their students to become self-directed learners. These learners are able to adjust and function successfully in an ever changing and complex world.
As a lifelong learner Dr Vicki Roberts lives the ethos of LLL and continually seeks to improve her knowledge and skills in capacity building and education.